Romans 8:28 Animation

During the Covid Pandemic shutdown I was sparked by a thought to begin reading the bible. However, instead of reading the whole bible, I decided to read certain scriptures and use my motion design skills to interpret those scriptures according to my understanding. I re-searched online to see if anyone else had animated bible scriptures online, and did not find any interesting animated bible scriptures. I decided to start a personal project where I created animations of scriptures. I experiment with different styles, stories, visual metaphors, and typography, in order to tell a story using my understanding of the message in the scripture.

And we know, that for those who love God, all things work for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28


I focused solely using the movement with the typography, allowing the words to speak for themselves. Also experimenting with how fast each word stayed on screen and went off. In the beginning of making the animation, the movement of the typography was too quick, not allowing viewers to read the type. As such, I fixed the timing of the typography to remain on screen a little longer, so that viewers are able to read the scripture.




Design and Animation

